hey! do you want to see our apartment? i took some pictures when we first moved in so i thought i'd give you a show. they're not great photos because we still hadn't really unpacked so please forgive the untidiness.

here's a picture of the living room. at this point i'd be standing with my back to the kitchen and on my right would be our door outside.
here's ian doing what he does best (work) at the kitchen table. at this point i would have had my back to our bedroom door. the door with the ugly blanket on it is our door to the outdoors (our porch and stairs). the whole door is a window! we had to put a blanket on it! give me a break!
here's the kitchen. the bathroom would have been to my right at this point. if you're standing with your back to the ugly blanket door, there are four doors on the opposite wall - sealift room, bathroom, closet, bedroom.
more kitchen.
here's the sealift room (off the kitchen). i like it because it houses my wealth of toiletries. if you grew up a warren girl, you know how important it is to stock up (and i mean WAY up) on toiletries. right mom?
i didn't include any photos of the bedroom because we haven't exactly...how you say...unpacked it yet. i also didn't include the closet or the bathroom because those things are pretty self explanatory. what's that you say? you don't know what a bathroom looks like? well okay!
Thanks for the virtual tour! Your place looks great and I can't wait to see it and you in person. You are so right about the importance of not running out of toiletries! I'm dying to know what the 70 lbs of things included!